Carnival employees convinced their jobs are being outsourced
Posted on Friday, December 23rd, 2016 at 4:49 pm
Information technology employees at Carnival cruise lines claim they are being fired in order to be replaced with cheaper labor. In the process, Carnival has struck a deal where these employees can receive jobs at a consulting and outsourcing firm named Capgemini.
The company characterizes the move as a “transfer, ” but the attorney representing these workers describes it as being fired and then hired someplace else.
Approximately 200 employees are affected by this decision. Many of these Carnival employees believe they have effectively been fired to be replaced with cheaper, foreign labor. The practice of hiring foreigners with work visas has recently become more commonplace, as major corporations, including Toys ‘R’ Us and Disney, have implemented similar programs.
Carnival asserts that the deal with Capgemeni offers affected employees at least six months of work. However, they could be terminated at any point, as the employment with Capgemeni is at will. The affected Carnival employees had to decide whether to take or leave the offer by December 19th.