Cruise passengers experience gastrointestinal illness on Royal Caribbean ship

Posted on Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 at 1:41 pm    

According to Miami, Florida-based Royal International Caribbean officials, guests and crew members on the Majesty of the Seas ship have suffered from gastrointestinal illnesses that doctors presume are caused by the norovirus. 68 people total, or around 2.5% of the 2,581 passengers and crew, were affected.

Cruise officials tried to take precautions to ensure that illnesses would not spread throughout the trip, including asking passengers when they boarded the cruise ship on Friday, January 17 if they had developed any gastrointestinal problems within the last three days.

Last year, the Vessel Sanitation Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention listed nine incidences of gastrointestinal illness outbreaks on cruise ships. This happens when 3% or more members of the passengers or crew suddenly show symptoms of the illness while the ship is at sail.

When on a cruise ship, you should be able to expect clean and sanitary conditions that do not allow for illness outbreaks such as this. Thus, if you have been affected by an undue illness on a cruise ship, call (555) 555-5555. Our attorneys at the Louis A. Vucci P.A., can help you explore your legal options for filing a passenger claim and possibly begin taking legal action.