Norovirus outbreak affects 600 Royal Caribbean passengers

Posted on Monday, January 27th, 2014 at 6:40 pm    

Explorer of the Seas, a Royal Caribbean International ship, was scheduled to sail for 10 days. However, after more than 600 passengers became ill from norovirus, the cruise line decided to return to the port two days earlier than scheduled.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Bernadette Burden confirmed the number of the affected passengers on the ship, stating that around 577 of the 3,050 passengers and 49 of 1,165 crew members were suffering from vomiting and diarrhea while on the cruise.

Royal Caribbean said in a statement that the outbreak has led the cruise ship to be “unable to deliver the vacation our guests were expecting.”

The ship took to the seas on Tuesday, January 21 from Cape Liberty, New Jersey, and made it to the Caribbean, before returning to home port on Wednesday, January 22.

Our lawyers at the Louis A. Vucci P.A., have experience helping passengers of cruise ships that have suffered from norovirus outbreaks. To find out more about pursuing financial compensation for suffering experienced as a result of a cruise line’s negligence, call (555) 555-5555.