September 2020 Cruise Ship News: Coronavirus Updates and More
Posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2020 at 8:27 pm
During the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many places that encourage large gatherings or have limited space for social distancing remain temporarily closed for the public’s safety. Cruise ships remain one of the trigger locations for spreading coronavirus. The industry did not act quickly in halting voyages. In fact, many coronavirus cases, and even some virus-related deaths, were attributed to sailing on a cruise last Spring. If you believe medical negligence caused your coronavirus diagnosis or a loved one’s death from the viral infection, then the experienced team at Louis A. Vucci P.A. can help fight on your behalf. Call us today at (786) 375-0344 for your free consultation.
On March 14, 2020, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted a Warning – Level 3, Avoid Nonessential Travel. A No Sail Order was issued to start April 15, 2020, which suspended all cruise ship travel in the United States. The law applies to all vessels with a capacity over 250 passengers. On July 16, 2020, the CDC extended the No Sail Order a second time, which will remain in effect until September 30, 2020. As of right now, the U.S. cruise industry suspended all voyages until October 31, 2020.
There are a few noteworthy updates on where cruise ships and coronavirus stand in recent and coming weeks.
Cruise Ships and Coronavirus Updates
In recent global news, certain cruise lines have started sailing again in other parts of the world. According to CNN, MSC Cruises’ first post-COVID voyage set sail on August 16 from the Genoa port in Italy. While the cruise line would not share the exact number of the amount sailing, it did report the trip operated at 60% capacity. At full capacity, the vessel holds 6,300 passengers. The MSC Grandiosa set sail on its second cruise on August 23. Both cruises included stops and day trips at Mediterranean ports.
Several smaller cruise lines restarted trips across Europe this summer. In early August, the Norwegian cruise ship MS Roald Amundsen made major headlines as multiple crew members and guests tested positive for COVID-19. A total of 71 people, both passengers and guests, ended up testing positive. Several became severely ill and it was announced on August 28 one passenger died from the viral infection.
Here in the U.S. cruise ships might not be sailing, but many crew members are still stuck in U.S. waters. After the implementation of the No Sail Order, many cruise crew members remained on-board. Almost five months later, the U.S. Coast Guard reported to USA Today they were tracking 57 cruise ships in U.S. waters that held approximately 12,084 crew members.
Post-Coronavirus Cruise Ship Procedures
Now that cruise ships have started sailing again many are wondering what new precautions the industry is taking to protect crew and guests against coronavirus.
As the first ‘big’ ship to sail since April, for better or worse, MSC Grandiosa has set the new and current standard.
Here are a few new safety precautions the company is taking on their cruises:
- Test every crew member for COVID-19 prior to boarding and several times during their contract.
- Test every guest for COVID-19 prior to boarding.
- Anyone that tests positive is denied boarding, as will the entire party they are traveling with.
- Enhanced sanitation methods that include using hospital-grade disinfectant and UV-C light technology.
- Operate at a maximum of 70% capacity to ensure social distancing is possible on the ship.
- Temperature checks of guests and crews prior to boarding the vessel.
These are just a few of the many new procedures the cruise line is now enforcing.
Current U.S. and Global Coronavirus Statistics
As of August 28th, the CDC reported the following coronavirus numbers in the U.S.:
- 5,845,876 confirmed cases
- 180,165 deaths
- California has the highest total cases at 683,529
- Florida has the second-highest total cases at 605,342
On a global scale, the WHO reported the following worldwide coronavirus numbers as of August 28th:
- 24,299,923 confirmed cases
- 827,730 deaths
- America has the highest confirmed cases count of any country
- Brazil has the second-highest at 3,717,156 confirmed cases
Tips for Protection Against Coronavirus
The CDC recommends the following steps to protect yourself against coronavirus:
- Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
- Use a sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when handwashing is not an option.
- Avoid touching your face, especially your nose, eyes, and mouth, with unclean hands.
- Maintain six feet (approximately two arms’ lengths) distance from people who are not part of your household.
- For those over 2 years old or who do not have breathing problems, wear a face covering when in public settings, especially when social distancing is not possible.
For more recommendations and steps on how to protect against coronavirus, visit the CDC’s website.
How an Experienced Medical Negligence Attorney Can Help
Any sickness is hard to deal with, but in some cases, COVID-19 symptoms prove to be extremely difficult to overcome. In several cases the illness lasts for weeks, making it hard to focus on anything but getting better. Or, if you lost a loved one the sudden loss is unbelievable tragic and requires time to grieve. A medical negligence attorney who understands the ins and outs of the law can fight on your behalf while you focus on recovering or mourning the loss of a loved one.
Why Choose Louis A. Vucci P.A.?
Our experienced team not only has years of experience handling medical negligence claims for people who’ve become injured or ill on cruise ships, but we will fight aggressively on your behalf both in and out of the courtroom.
We understand during these difficult times financial issues are at an all-time high. Therefore, we operate on a contingency basis. We only collect a fee if we win your case, and we do not require money up-front.
Don’t Waste Time – Get Started Today!
If you, or your loved one, are suffering due to medical negligence caused by a coronavirus diagnosis following a cruise, then you might be entitled to compensation. At Louis A. Vucci P.A., we can answer all your case-specific questions in our free consultations. Call us today at (786) 375-0344, or simply reply in our online chat message to get started.