Understanding Crime on Cruise Ships
Posted on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024 at 8:53 pm

Crime on cruise ships, while rare, is a reality faced by the maritime industry, stirring concerns about safety and justice at sea. This article cuts through the complexities of maritime law. It unpacks the layers of cruise ship security and outlines the rights of victims, providing clarity on what passengers can expect in terms of protection and recourse.
Types of Cruise Ship Crimes
When we think of serious crimes on cruise ships, it’s essential to understand that they are as varied as crimes on land. Additionally, there are added complexities of maritime law and international jurisdictions. The spectrum of criminal activity on cruise ships is broad and concerning, including:
- Theft and property crimes
- Physical and sexual assaults
- Public intoxication
- Petty theft
While the majority of crimes fall within the category of assaults and sexual assaults, the occurrence of minor offenses such as public intoxication and petty theft is also reported where the crime occurred.
As per data from 2023, amongst the major cruise lines, Carnival Cruise Line reported the highest number of sexual assaults and rapes, with thirty-six incidents in the first three quarters of the year. Despite these alarming numbers, it’s important to note that serious crimes at sea remain relatively low compared to the millions of passengers traveling annually.
Theft and Property Crimes
Theft on cruise ships is one of the more common crimes. Although theft may be considered less severe compared to physical or sexual assaults, it still causes significant distress to passengers, especially when high-value items are stolen. Property crimes on cruise ships extend beyond theft to include offenses such as fraud and identity theft, wherein perpetrators may target and exploit passengers’ personal information.
However, cruise ships face challenges in reporting thefts because the FBI only investigates thefts involving more than $10,000. This results in a significant number of lesser-value thefts being underreported and not pursued.
Physical Assaults
Physical assaults on cruise ships can range from minor scuffles to severe attacks involving weapons or attempts to push a victim overboard. These incidents are often driven by heated arguments, emotional distress, or a desire for power or revenge.
Sexual Assaults
Regrettably, sexual assaults on cruise ships are on the rise, with per capita rates at times surpassing those of U.S. states. The presence of intoxication on cruise ships can escalate situations to serious crimes such as sexual assault, representing a significant safety risk for passengers.
Fellow passengers or crew members can commit these assaults, leading to both criminal and civil litigation against individuals and possibly cruise lines.
Cruise Ship Security: Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibility of maintaining safety on a cruise ship falls on the shoulders of the ship’s captain and the security personnel. Under maritime law, passengers have a right to a duty of care, which encompasses their safety and security on cruise ships. This duty influences the management of crimes and accidents.
The captain holds the ultimate responsibility for making important decisions about handling offenders suspected of committing crimes on a cruise ship. Similarly, security personnel ensure that they properly educate and inform passengers about safety measures during their journey.
Security Teams
Cruise ship security teams, comprised of professionals with diverse backgrounds and comprehensive training in handling maritime-specific challenges, including law enforcement and military experience, play a crucial role in maintaining order and safety on board. They are responsible for responding to incidents, conducting investigations, and ensuring the safety of passengers and crew in the event that a crime occurs. They undergo specific training, including adherence to U.S. code standards for Vessel Security Officers and Personnel with Security Duties.
In cases of onboard incidents, cruise ship security teams act as the initial point of response, managing the situation until law enforcement authorities can take over. Their investigations play a pivotal role in shaping the ensuing legal actions and may impact the cruise company’s liability.
The Ship’s Captain
The captain of a cruise ship holds the ultimate authority and responsibility for the entire vessel. They oversee the actions of the security team and ensure the safety of all passengers and crew. This extensive legal authority is firmly established in maritime law and sailing traditions, granting the captain absolute command over the ship, its cargo, and the entire crew.
In serious incidents or when a security threat is identified on board, the captain has the authority to direct security officers. Additionally, they decide on the confinement of individuals and ultimately make decisions regarding the jailing or disembarkation of a passenger.
Cooperation with Law Enforcement Agencies
In the event of a serious crime, cruise ship security personnel:
- Cooperate with law enforcement agencies
- Follow procedures that align with legal standards and requirements
- Maintain communication with coastal law enforcement and flag states
- Lead security officers sometimes take instructions from company leaders onshore.
This collaboration is crucial for ensuring that operations on board comply with international maritime laws and the legislations of the countries the ship visits.
Do Cruise Ships Have Jails?
Most cruise ships have a form of detention facility known as a “brig” to handle crimes occurring on board. This small room, typically situated in the lower decks of the ship, is used to detain passengers or crew members who break the law or the ship’s rules. Common reasons for detention in the brig include:
- theft
- assault
- drug possession
- disorderly conduct
The ship typically detains individuals for a few hours or overnight before handing them over to local authorities at the next port of call.
However, the ship’s brig is not intended for long-term detention but serves as a temporary solution to maintain safety and order on board.
Navigating Maritime Law: Jurisdiction and Enforcement
The legal complexities surrounding criminal jurisdiction on cruise ships arise from the intricacies of maritime law and the various authorities involved. Navigating these waters involves understanding an array of international agreements and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The complexity of determining jurisdiction for crimes at sea often depends on the ship’s location when the crime occurs. This can lead to complex negotiations between international and local authorities regarding jurisdiction. These negotiations can potentially put the safety of passengers at risk due to delays and complications in prosecuting crimes on cruise ships.
International Waters and Territorial Jurisdiction
Maritime law is divided into jurisdictional zones:
- Internal waters
- Territorial waters (up to 12 nautical miles from the coastline)
- Contiguous zones (from 12 to 24 nautical miles)
- International waters
In territorial waters, a country’s laws apply to all vessels. Meanwhile, the contiguous zone allows for a country’s limited enforcement rights, such as against smuggling.
Cruise ships must register with a country and must abide by that country’s laws when in international waters; the law of the flag state governs this. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) outlines a framework for managing offenses on a ship in international waters according to flag state laws. It’s also crucial to note that international laws apply to ships not flying the flag of any nation, and authorities can legally board them if they suspect illegality.
Law Enforcement Agencies Involved
The enforcement of laws and investigation of crimes committed on cruise ships involve multiple law enforcement agencies. These include other law enforcement agencies when necessary. Here are the key authorities:
- The flag state of the cruise ship has primary authority to investigate crimes on ships registered there.
- The US Coast Guard has the authority to board ships within the contiguous zone, between 12 and 24 miles from the U.S. coastline, for suspected drug smuggling. Additionally, they may board ships at US ports for federal crimes.
- The FBI also has extraterritorial jurisdiction to investigate crimes against Americans on cruises anywhere in the world.
Local police, as part of local law enforcement in the port state, conduct initial investigations if a crime occurs on a cruise ship while the ship is docked. Typically, the various law enforcement organizations involved cooperate to resolve jurisdiction issues. While rare, emergencies or unforeseen circumstances may require an unscheduled stop. In such scenarios, the laws of the country where the ship docks might come into play, adding another layer of complexity to the jurisdictional issues.
Prosecution Challenges
Prosecuting crimes committed on cruise ships can be a challenging task due to the complexities of maritime laws. The expanding cruise industry, with leading companies like Royal Caribbean carrying millions of passengers annually, may lead to an increase in the number of crimes at sea. This poses challenges to current oversight and enforcement mechanisms.
Personal injury lawyers may find it difficult to ensure that cases are heard in fair jurisdictions, not biased in favor of cruise companies. Additionally, the FBI may not initiate its investigation of crimes on a cruise ship until the ship returns to a U.S. port. This delay can result in a loss of evidence and witness recollection over time.
Inadequate Security on Cruise Ships: Risks and Consequences
Inadequate security on cruise ships can stem from various factors. These include insufficient security personnel, lack of proper surveillance equipment, or inadequate training and procedures for dealing with crimes at sea. This can lead to an increase in crimes such as theft, physical violence, and sexual violence. Passengers and crew members may face potential harm as a consequence of the increased crime rates facilitated by inadequate security.
This also has repercussions for the cruise ship industry. These include potential lawsuits, loss of reputation, and decreased passenger trust due to perceived inadequate security.
Cruise Lines’ Responsibilities
Cruise lines ensure that they inform all passengers and crew about safety management procedures on board. In cases of negligence leading to injury or wrongful death, cruise lines are liable for civil repercussions. They must have plans and capabilities in place to handle:
- medical emergencies encountered onboard
- fires and other emergencies
- evacuations
- security threats
In addition to established duties, the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010 further emphasizes cruise lines’ responsibility to implement safety measures and establishes guidelines for reporting crimes aboard vessels. This act plays a crucial role in holding cruise lines accountable for passenger safety. It ensures they take proactive steps to prevent crimes onboard.
Seeking Compensation for Cruise Ship Crime Victims
If you or someone you know was a victim of a crime on a cruise ship, it’s crucial to understand that resources and legal avenues exist for seeking compensation. However, waivers that limit claim timeframes and set unfavorable jurisdictions for hearings complicate the process for cruise ship crime victims to obtain compensation.
This process involves navigating international laws applicable to cruise ships registered under foreign flags. It also entails establishing cruise company liability for inadequate passenger protection. As a member of the Cruise Lines International Association, victims can sue cruise lines for harm or injuries sustained due to inadequate security measures on the ship.
Types of Damages Recoverable For A Cruise Ship Injury

Victims of crime on a cruise ship can seek compensation for a variety of damages, including:
- Medical bills
- Rehabilitation costs
- Mental health care
- Restitution for stolen or destroyed property
- Lost wages due to injury
Personal injury accidents in international waters are generally subject to the laws of the ship’s registered nation. This nation also establishes specific deadlines under maritime laws for filing claims.
Victims of theft on cruise ships can file lawsuits if they identify the perpetrator. This allows them the possibility of significantly recovering the stolen items.
Contact The Cruise Ship Injury Lawyers at Louis A. Vucci P.A. today
If you or someone you know was a victim of an injury or crime on a cruise ship due to negligence, especially due to inadequate security, don’t hesitate to reach out for legal help. Contact our cruise ship inadequate security lawyers at Louis A. Vucci P.A. today. With a track record of successful case results, including settlements over millions of dollars, our team of experienced lawyers is ready to help.
Get to know more about our firm and our commitment to justice. You can reach us at (786) 375-0344 or through our online contact form.
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