Norovirus Outbreaks Lawyers

Many cruise ships have been linked recently to illnesses and unsanitary conditions that place passengers in dangerous situations. One of the more common illnesses that befall cruise ship passengers, not to mention one of the more dangerous, are norovirus outbreaks. This condition can result in passengers suffering from severe stomach problems and typically comes from bad or mishandled food, which should be monitored carefully by the managers of your cruise ship.

Attorney Louis A. Vucci P.A. knows that many passengers on cruise ships have been exposed to the norovirus, and may be suffering physically and financially from this exposure. Fortunately, victims often do not have to deal with the consequences on their own, as they can enlist a legal representative’s help to hold the cruise ship and its staff responsible.

Threats of Norovirus Outbreaks

As the Centers for Disease Control report, a norovirus outbreak can be devastating, both for the number of people it can affect and also for the side effects it causes. Some side effects it can cause include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • General nausea
  • Pains in the stomach
  • Headaches
  • Body aches

All of these physical symptoms may indicate that a person is suffering from a norovirus, and on a cruise ship, many hundreds of people could be affected by an outbreak. When these outbreaks are the result of a cruise ship or its staff’s negligence, it is possible for passengers to file claims against these parties.

Contact a Cruise Ship Attorney Today

Call us if you or someone in your family has been on a cruise ship and has been affected by a norovirus outbreak. You should consider pursuing financial compensation for your suffering and inconvenience. To learn more about taking such action and how Louis A. Vucci P.A. can help, call (786) 375-0344. We have successfully represented numerous people who have been the victim of a norovirus outbreak on a cruise ship.